Repeat™ is an extension that allows a single QuicKey or a sequence to repeat a certain number of times. Let’s say that you have a Format Disk sequence set up and want to format a box of disks. You could press the QuicKey for that sequence 25 times or include a Repeat extension QuicKey in the sequence to do that for you.
To Define a Repeat QuicKey
1) Open QuicKeys 2.
2) Select “Extensions” from the Define menu.
3) Select “Repeat” from the submenu that appears. The Repeat dialog box will appear.
4) Select the options you want. If you choose “Non-Sequence,” type in the name of the QuicKey you want to play and how many times you want it to repeat. If you choose “Start Sequence,” enter how many times you want the sequence to repeat.
Note: If you include a Start Repeat QuicKey in your sequence, you must place an End Repeat QuicKey at the end of your sequence or inside the sequence at some point, after the Start Repeat QuicKey for the Repeat extension to work properly. You cannot place a Repeat loop inside another Repeat loop and you cannot place an End Repeat QuicKey before a Start Repeat QuicKey.
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QuicKeys, Repeat and CE Toolbox are trademarks of CE Software, Inc. All other trademarks are the property of their respective holders.